Slimming belt - Myths and truth.

As annoying advertising promises us, a weight loss belt is a miracle thing, when you wear it you can easily lose weight. At the same time, you don’t have to stick to a grueling diet or attend workouts. You just need to buy a weight loss belt, wear it for a while and you will get the expected effect - you will become slim, athletic, fit. Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? But in order to find the answer to the question of how to lose weight in reality, you need to know the principle of operation of a weight loss belt and find out why we get fat.

  1. What is a slimming belt?
  2. How does a slimming belt work?
  3. How to really lose weight?

What is a slimming belt?

The simplest type of such device is a thermal belt that provides a local sauna effect. The result from it is minimal, and to be honest, none. Such belts are made of neoprene, and the effect is achieved due to thermal insulation and an increase in body temperature.

Often, the buyer is offered neoprene belly slimming belts equipped with vibration massagers or heaters. The price increases depending on the set of functions.

The advertisement claims that when the body is heated using such a thermal belt, fat is burned. That is, rapid weight loss occurs. And the presence of a vibrating massager in the belt is designed to improve blood flow and further speed up the process of getting rid of fat accumulation.

But if you read the reviews about the weight loss belt, not the paid ones that can be found on the seller’s website, but the real ones, you will notice that positive reviews about the weight loss belt are very difficult to find. Almost all of them are negative. Mostly people write that this remedy does not give any effect and it is better not to waste money. But even among those who write about some weight loss, few are satisfied with the purchase.

The result achieved from using a weight loss belt is very short-lived. Very soon the lost kilograms will return again, and much more intensely. This all just confirms once again that it is impossible to lose weight by eating delicious food while lying on the couch. Moreover, if manufacturers call their creation a belly slimming belt, then how can it help in reducing fat in other areas of the body? How to lose weight using a thermal belt on your legs and buttocks?

However, it is worth noting that by observing all this, you can lose kilos without a “magic” belt, because a calorie deficit, as the main condition for losing weight, is achieved by a properly selected diet and physical activity.

How does a slimming belt work?

The work of a weight loss belt is based on warming up a separate area of ​​the body. This creates the illusion that it is the fat that is disappearing right before your eyes. But this is far from true. Manufacturers emphasize that a belt with a built-in vibration device normalizes blood circulation. However, walking in the fresh air is a great way to improve blood circulation. And you don’t have to pay absolutely anything for them.

It should be understood that even if some weight loss is observed when using the belt, this is due to fluid loss. When the body heats up under the belt, sweating increases. However, the fluid lost by the body soon returns.

There are people who decide to buy a weight loss belt to use during their workouts in the gym. But, as we have already found out, this does not bring results, since in this way it is not fat that is lost, but water. And she returns with the first meal. In addition, such use of this belt may be unsafe.

Since during training you can get overheated and excessive fluid loss, which can lead to weakness, changes in heart rate and coordination, and dizziness. Well, it's simply inconvenient. The belt limits freedom of movement and the quality of the workout suffers.

How to really lose weight?

To start the fat burning process, you first need to understand why fat is deposited on our body in the first place oron the butt. And this happens because, against the background of the intake of excess calories (especially sweets), the body, not being able to spend all the energy received from food, makes reserves, turning calories into fat depots and placing them in the most sedentary places: the stomach, buttocks and thighs. If there is a constant caloric surplus in the diet, fat accumulation also occurs on a constant basis.

The simplest, but not the most correct way to create a deficit is to revise your diet to reduce energy consumption. But the reduction in calorie content of the usual diet should not occur abruptly, causing discomfort.

You should also move more, give your body more physical activity in the gym or at home. Such activity, against the background of reducing the caloric content of the diet, causes a synergistic effect, accelerating the process of losing weight.

But since we are talking about weight loss belts, it becomes clear that this device is not suitable either for solving the problem of reducing calories or increasing physical activity. You won't be able to shake off fat with a belt. Just as you won’t be able to break it with a hoop or evaporate it during thermal procedures. With the help of massage and sauna, the process of losing weight does not occur; with increased sweating, excess fluid is only removed. But it also comes back again if the order of obtaining food and the flow of water is not adjusted. Of course, if this is precisely the cause of swelling, and not disorders in the kidneys and thyroid gland.

Interestingly, nutritionists also claim that weight loss belts can sometimes be dangerous to your health. If it is tightened too tightly, it disrupts not only blood circulation, but also the normal functioning of the lungs. In addition, heat and vibration are extremely undesirable for those who have chronic forms of certain diseases.


Having decided to start losing weight without spending a lot of time, you must first consult a nutritionist. He will create a diet and exercise system that suits you. But advertising of various weight loss products should be viewed critically. Manufacturers are pursuing the goal of selling their product, which may be, at best, useless, and at worst, even harmful to your health. It is worth remembering the long-known fact that you cannot catch even a fish from a pond without difficulty.

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