Breakfast. How to get a cheerful mood for the whole day?

Where does our morning begin every day? What brings us back to normal after a long sleep? Of course, breakfast! It is he who gives us strength for new things and decisions, allows us to get a good and cheerful mood in the morning (and coffee has nothing to do with it!).

Good habit

According to nutritionists - experts and doctors - breakfast is the most important component in the human diet. It charges us with energy, allows us to wake up and gives us a good mood. Therefore, if you absolutely do not have enough time for breakfast, you lose about 20% of your life every day. How much of this loss will accumulate over the course of a whole year? Therefore, it is necessary to have breakfast! Getting up earlier is also a matter of habit. Of course, it’s good if you have a beloved wife or a caring husband nearby who will prepare you a wonderful breakfast and even bring it to bed. And it doesn’t matter, if you wake up alone, then you will give this royal gift to yourself in the morning. And before you know it, preparing a delicious and healthy breakfast will become a healthy habit.

Breakfast is different!

What should a complete and healthy breakfast be like? Are all foods equally healthy in the morning? If you follow the recommendations of nutritionists, then you need to start your morning with a glass of warm boiled water. Firstly, it will improve the digestion process, and secondly, it will help the body wake up. Then you can proceed directly to the breakfast itself, the main thing is that it meets all the requirements and rules.

  1. The duration of breakfast should be at least 20 minutes, and the calorie content should be 15-20% of the entire daily diet.

  2. An excellent breakfast ingredient is honey. You can add it to porridge or tea: a spoonful of honey will saturate the hot drink with vitamins. Honey itself is one of the most valuable products for the autumn-winter period, because it contains elements that help the body fight stress, improve immunity and give an influx of new strength.

  3. Mandatory components of breakfast should be fruits, vegetables, honey and milk. They will help give the body all the fiber it needs, and will help you not feel pangs of hunger at least until lunch.

  4. The morning and first meals should contain a certain set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

  5. Eggs are great for breakfast. They contain vitamins and essential amino acids that meet all the needs of the human body. However, you should not overuse eggs; 2-3 eggs per week are enough.

  6. There are foods that are best avoided for breakfast. Among them are white bread, sweet and flour, fried and smoked. Of course, in moderation, scrambled eggs and bacon will not harm you, but not more than once a week!

  7. A tasty and healthy breakfast gives us energy for the whole hard working day ahead. Nutritionists confirm that people who, for whatever reason, do not eat breakfast are more susceptible to fatigue, absent-mindedness and irritability.

Let's look at the components of a healthy breakfast point by point:

  1. A dairy product such as cheese, yogurt, milk or cottage cheese. From the very morning, our body needs calcium, protein, vitamins A, B and D. Dairy products are the most valuable source of these elements.

  2. A cereal product, this can be bread, if possible coarsely ground, porridge, oatmeal and muesli. Cereals are rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins. Their benefits can hardly be overestimated.

  3. Well, and of course, the drink that brings it all together: tea, coffee, juice or cocoa.

1st place on the podium

Doctors recommend starting the morning with a glass of water, tea or juice. Liquid helps the body wake up. After this, you can safely proceed to breakfast itself. Boiled eggs or steamed omelettes will give the body the necessary amount of protein. Dairy products will saturate the body with vitamins A and B. It is especially worth taking a closer look at milk,