Fat Burning Supplement Review!

Fat burning supplements are an additional means to achieve the desired body shape. However, before you start taking them, you need to understand that they will only be effective in combination with proper diet and exercise. No pill can burn fat without effort and sweat.

There are many different types of fat burning supplements that can have a variety of effects on the body. Some of them block the absorption of fat, others help break down fat faster, some increase the sensitivity of muscle tissue to glucose, and others accelerate the transport of fatty acids into cells.

Fat absorption blockers include peptides, fiber and preparations derived from crustacean shells, such as Peptide, Extra-Fit, Chitosan. These drugs form difficult-to-digest complexes with fats, blocking the entry of fatty acids into the bloodstream. However, they should only be taken with food. They have no contraindications.

Drugs that help the body quickly break down fat into fatty acids include Garcinia Camboja plant extract and the hydroxycitric acid it contains. Such drugs should be taken with food, but they are contraindicated if the stomach has high acidity.

Drugs that increase the sensitivity of muscle tissue to glucose cause them to burn more energy per unit of time, increasing the mobilization of fat from the depot and reducing the percentage of body fat. Chromium picolinic salt (chromium picolinate) has this effect. They should be taken with food, but they are contraindicated in cases of diabetes, pregnancy and lactation.

Drugs that accelerate the transport of fatty acids into cells, where fats are burned as an energy source during aerobic exercise, include L-Carnitine. This is a popular nutritional supplement that is included in almost all fat-burning complexes. It should be taken 40 minutes before the start of aerobic activity in tablet form, and liquid forms can be taken even 15 minutes before the start of aerobic activity. It has no contraindications.

Drugs that "trick" fat receptors so that they do not trigger fat formation include Coleus forskohlii root extract. This extract contains forskolin, which activates adenylate cyclase in fat cells, accelerating the breakdown of fat and reducing fat accumulation. However, forskolin-based medications may cause a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, so they should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

It is important to remember that fat burning supplements are not magic pills and cannot replace a healthy lifestyle. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary to combine their use with proper nutrition and physical activity. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics and contraindications for the use of each specific drug. Before starting to use fat burning supplements, you should consult your doctor.