Cheat diet days: examples of celebrities

Headline: "Cheat" diet days: examples of celebrities

Exceptions must be made to all rules. Things are the same with weight loss: while adhering to a grueling diet, make small concessions. Set aside one day a week when you can eat your favorite dessert or sandwich. Hollywood beauties prove by example that this will benefit your emotional state and will not harm your figure.


Beyoncé can hardly be called skinny; a diet of fish and raw vegetables helps her maintain her weight. But the celebrity admits that every Sunday he forgets about food restrictions and calorie counting: “I am proud of my figure and make a lot of efforts to always be in good shape. I have a fairly strict diet, but in order not to go crazy on Sunday I arrange for myself "It's a real gastronomic feast! I can eat a whole pizza, fried chicken or pasta."

Jennifer Aniston

Jen is an avid supporter of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, but she also makes pleasant exceptions for herself. On cheat days, the actress allows herself to eat her favorite Mexican food. “I don’t want to deny myself carnitas or pasta. I choose days when I can indulge myself in delicious food, but the next day I make sure to double my physical activity. This is how I maintain my weight at a normal level,” the actress shared.

Jessica Biel

The actress admits that before filming the film “Total Recall” she chose a strict diet in order to quickly lose excess weight. But despite such conditions, she also made “cheating” days for herself. “I was forced to eat food that was absolutely tasteless to me. I remember at that time my friends and I were once driving past a shop that sold delicious-looking donuts. I didn’t restrain myself and bought as many as 24 pieces, and then ate them all pizza! I felt truly happy then!”

Sandra Bullock

The actress does not have one cheating day a week, but several at once. And at the same time, Sandra always looks amazing both on screen and while walking along the streets of New York. “I have three whole “cheating” days a week. I start on Friday and so on until Sunday. But I definitely think through the menu for such days. I choose my favorite sweets, cookies, cereal with milk.”

Katy Perry

The singer has repeatedly repeated that she does not accept any weight loss programs and tries not to deny herself her favorite food. But before performances or filming, she lives in “preparation for the Olympics” mode. “I consider diets a waste of time, but if I have to adhere to a strict diet, I still arrange a “cheat” day for myself. As a rule, this is Sunday for me. I order frozen yogurts with fruit, cheeseburgers, pizza, toast or omelettes ".