Diet against pain. The cat is in pain, the dog is in pain...

Diet against pain

The cat is in pain, the dog is in pain... What about you and me? Pain, as you know, can be different. And there is only one salvation from it - medicine. But they are not always safe, and alternative methods are not always effective. What to do?

It turns out that some types of pain can be dealt with by changing your diet. This anti-pain diet has been known for 20 years, but only now enough data has emerged on its effectiveness.

Some foods can actually increase your pain threshold. These are red pepper, horseradish, garlic, cinnamon, mustard - everything that burns and has a sharp taste. They stimulate the production of endorphins - “happiness” hormones that have an analgesic effect. But they must be used carefully - only for acute pain and not every day.

Another way is foods high in tryptophan: milk, turkey, nuts, seeds. This amino acid produces serotonin, which also relieves pain.

It is important to reduce the consumption of animal fats - this evens out hormonal levels and alleviates the symptoms of PMS, migraines, and angina. And diet No. 1 according to Pevzner with crushed food is indicated for stomach pain.

So yes, nutrition plays a role in disease management. Of course, there is no miracle recipe yet. But by following an anti-pain diet, you can reduce the dosage of medications and alleviate your condition.