Fortification according to all the rules. Summer menu ideas

Fortification according to all the rules. Summer menu ideas.

In summer, nature provides us with vitamins in abundance. It would seem, what rules could there be? Eat everything and more - and you will receive vitamin supplementation in full. Ah, no! Everything has its own subtleties.

Vitamins without loss

You can find vitamins in any products that nature gives us, especially at the time of their ripening. But, as everyone knows, the most diverse range of vitamins (plus minerals and microelements) is presented in fruits and vegetables. The main rules of the summer menu are based on this:

  1. Eat mainly fruits/vegetables in the summer (and not at all for reasons of vegetarianism, mind you).

  2. Give preference to fruits/vegetables as they ripen. Popular wisdom says: you need to eat every gift of nature in a timely manner and “from the belly”.

  3. Place emphasis on cooking methods: fresh, boiling, steaming, stewing (at least for this season, exclude frying and smoking) - this way you will retain more vitamins. And be sure to add ingredients to your dishes that promote better absorption of vitamins (vegetable oils and fats). And one more thing: do not forget about greens, perceive them not as a decoration for dishes, but as their full-fledged ingredients.

Summer menu highlights

To competently create a summer menu, place the following emphasis:

  1. Fruit No1: citrus fruits are a storehouse of vitamin C;
  2. Vegetable No1: beans - excellent virus prevention;
  3. 5 different (this is important!) vegetables and fruits a day;
  4. 2 tablespoons per day of any unrefined vegetable oil, which contains a lot of vitamin E (use in salads, of course);
  5. Cod/chicken/veal liver, rich in vitamin D;
  6. At least every other day – seafood;
  7. All dishes with greens;
  8. Weekly - olives, nuts, various seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), seaweed, eggs, cheese;
  9. Maximum - one cup of coffee a day, do not overuse strong tea, but drink plenty of freshly squeezed juices and compotes;
  10. Honey, wax, molasses - more; baking and sweets – less;
  11. Daily (especially useful in the evening) - herbal teas.

From breakfast to dinner

A properly organized summer menu (as indeed in other seasons of the year) consists of 5 meals: breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. And no snacks! The food load during the day should be distributed progressively: from a light breakfast to a large lunch to a light dinner through a mid-transition lunch and afternoon snack. How to fill the summer menu so that it is compiled taking into account vitaminization, and varies from meal to meal, and contains some original ideas to please gourmets? Here are a few meal recipes that will provide you with everything at once.

Stuffed lemons
Ingredients: 3 lemons, 200 g fish stewed in oil, 0.5 pcs. red onion, 6 olives, 1.5 tsp. grainy mustard, 1.5 tsp. sour cream, 4 sprigs of parsley, pepper and salt to taste.

Method of preparation: scald lemons with boiling water, cut off the top, leaving the “cap,” cut out the pulp, make vertical cuts 1.5 cm apart. Mash the fish with a fork and add chopped onion, parsley, finely chopped olives, mustard, sour cream, herbs and 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped lemon pulp. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stuff lemons with the mixture.

Fish solyanka
Ingredients: for 2 liters of water - 600 g fish fillet, 2 onions, onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 bay leaf, 4 black peppercorns, salt to taste, 2-3 cucumbers, 2-3 tomatoes, olives, capers, dill and parsley.

Method of preparation: cook fish broth, adding chopped and fried onions, carrots and parsley root during cooking. Salt the boiled broth, add bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for 7 minutes. Remove the fish from the finished broth, add cucumbers cut into strips without skin and seeds, fried in flour with