How Tatyana Navka lost weight after giving birth

The famous figure skater and participant in television projects Tatyana Navka always keeps herself in excellent shape. It turned out that she has her own special nutrition system.

In August 2014, Tatyana Navka gave birth to her second child, daughter Nadezhda. After the birth of her first child in 2000, Tatyana recovered. But she quickly got into shape thanks to proper nutrition and exercise. And after the second birth, she only confirmed her opinion about the correctness of her methods. The main thing, according to Tatyana, is to force yourself and start studying.

The athlete admitted that she limited herself in food. At the same time, she is sure that there is no need to place high hopes on procedures such as injections and wraps. After all, the results from such procedures will be short-term. To become slim again, training is necessary.

And, of course, Tatyana has her own nutritional secrets:

  1. She eats only fresh vegetables and fruits;

  2. Makes sure that there is a sufficient amount of protein in the diet (preference should be given to lean meat, fish, seafood);

  3. Practices separate meals;

  4. Drinks at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily;

  5. Eliminates sweets, chips, and fatty foods from the diet.

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