Nutritionists advised eating 9 times a day to lose weight

It has long been known that a healthy diet does not mean filling your stomach and overeating, but, on the contrary, regular but moderate meals. Recent studies by British nutritionists confirm this hypothesis - the most effective way to lose weight and improve health is to eat 9 times a day.

In a study conducted by scientists from Imperial College London, involving more than 2 thousand people from Britain, Japan, China and the USA, it was found that people who ate less than 6 times a day had higher weight and significantly higher systolic blood pressure. blood pressure. Thus, nine small meals a day can help stabilize blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, as well as speed up metabolism and promote weight loss.

One of the main reasons for the success of this diet is that eating small amounts of food frequently prevents high levels of fatty acids in the blood, which can cause fat to build up in the arteries and raise cholesterol levels. Frequent snacks help avoid a sharp jump in fatty acids in the blood and stabilize their levels, thereby allowing the body to absorb food more efficiently. It also promotes energy and performance.

However, doctors warn against the dangers of overeating during frequent meals. It is important to control your calorie intake and choose the right foods that not only contain enough nutrients, but also not too many calories.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, you should consider switching to the nine-meal diet. This can be a very effective way to control weight and improve overall health. However, as with any diet, it is important to monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed and not consume too many calories.