Oh, those hated kilograms!!! Losing weight wisely for the holidays

Who doesn’t know this mixed feeling of joy from a long-awaited vacation and grief from having to expose a less-than-ideal figure?! And even if you don’t need to lose weight in general, there will always be unnecessary fat. Vacation... How we look forward to it throughout the year! And with it approaching, we literally count the days, we already unbearably want to break out of the daily circle of vanity, worries, responsibilities, problems as eternal as the world and a sense of duty to everyone except ourselves. This is the worst thing that, as a rule, there is no time or energy left for yourself. And only on the eve of the vacation, something inside clicks, you remember that you are a woman, and not just a mother, wife, employee, and you begin to think about yourself.

Maybe buy yourself something new?! Maybe change your hairstyle?! Or maybe dye your hair a new color?! But all these desires are easily fulfilled. But the extra pounds... The desire to remove excess fat is the strongest and most difficult to achieve of all pre-vacation desires. Diets, fasting, weight loss teas, fat burning pills, body wraps, protein shakes, anti-cellulite massage...

Moreover, all super-effective methods of losing weight are so exhausting and unsafe that it’s time to think a hundred times before using them. Still, it is possible to get in shape before your vacation in a safe way if:

  1. look at the problem from the point of view of the underlying causes
  2. change your life attitudes taking into account the season of the year, i.e. summer
  3. act comprehensively

It's easier to lose weight in summer

Everyone knows why baths and saunas are effective for weight loss, as well as grueling workouts - active blood circulation and sweating. They say you can lose 1-2 kg in one session! Well, that means summer, namely high summer temperatures and humidity levels, is simply created for weight loss. Only these are also natural, i.e. natural factors, which, by the way, must be harmoniously perceived by the human body.

Give yourself a positive outlook for the summer. Tell yourself: “Heat is good, it is useful, it is a necessary season of the year. I accept the heat, I love the heat. The heat is not my enemy, but my helper.” What you think begins all your physical sensations.

Don’t try to sit in an air-conditioned room, but rather help your body live in the heat without sweltering from it. The methods are well known to everyone: drink enough liquid, do not eat heavy foods, wear clothes and shoes made from natural materials, take care of fresh air indoors, ensure yourself a full 8-hour sleep in the summer, shift your waking hours in favor of the morning hours.

The magical power of water

Water is the basis of the life of our body. But in summer its significance is even more relevant. If at other times of the year it is enough to drink 1-1.5 liters of water, then in summer this norm should be increased to 3 liters. Moreover, it is pure water, and not all liquids in general. Water enhances all metabolic processes, which include burning fat, removing toxins, and normalizing digestive function. Adequate water intake also helps reduce appetite. After all, the feeling of hunger is determined by the “emptiness” in the stomach. A stomach filled with water is not demanding of excess food.

And finally, water treatments. In summer, this is not just a tribute to hygiene. This is a necessity to restore water balance, and as a result, to feel good in the heat. I know that many women do not hesitate to perform mini-ablutions in the toilets during the summer working day. And one of my friends freezes ice at work and does “ice rubdowns” during the day. As they say, “beauty requires sacrifice.”

The recipe for losing weight is quite simple: drink, sweat, wash - and burning calories will be at the highest level.

Moving is easier than not eating

This is a well-known axiom: weight loss occurs when more energy is burned