Vegetarian diet

Vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish. There are several levels of vegetarianism:

  1. Vegetarianism is the exclusion of meat and fish from the diet.

  2. Veganism is a complete rejection of animal products.

  3. Raw food diet - eating only raw foods.

  4. Fruitarianism - eating fruits and nuts.

  5. Frugivory - the diet consists only of fruits.

The basis of a vegetarian diet is a variety of plant foods: grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. This allows you to create a complete balanced menu.

The diet may include porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), whole grain bread and pasta, vegetable salads and side dishes, legumes and vegetables, fruits and berries.

A vegetarian diet is varied and healthy. When properly formulated, it fully satisfies the body's nutritional needs.